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Iowans voted for walls and Wahls; one of them is a good thing

Iowans voted for walls and Wahls; one of them is a good thing

The Other “F” WORD: YA Feminist 4-wk Workshops (ages 11-14)

The Other “F” WORD: YA Feminist 4-wk Workshops (ages 11-14)

“As parents we're meant to help each other out and build each other up.”

-Galit Breen, Kindness Wins
Five Childcare Fixes that Must Happen NOW

Five Childcare Fixes that Must Happen NOW

Talking about Tully

Talking about Tully

Do Our Children Belong at Our Work?

Do Our Children Belong at Our Work?

“There’s a feeling sometimes in motherhood that you’re alone in what you’re going through, and none of us are alone. We’re all going through the same thing.”

-Nia Vardalos
Who’s the Fiercest of Them All? Sleeping Beauty When She Can Rest Post Baby

Who’s the Fiercest of Them All? Sleeping Beauty When She Can Rest Post Baby

“What else is a child, but hope? Hope for the future, hope for one's own salvation, hope for a tomorrow that shines as bright and warm as the best yesterday you can remember. ”

-Emily Littlejohn, Inherit the Bones
Re-Forming Motherhood Workshop

Re-Forming Motherhood Workshop

The Perfect Nanny: Powerful Allies or Angry Rivals?

The Perfect Nanny: Powerful Allies or Angry Rivals?

The Perfect Nanny: Cutting Class

The Perfect Nanny: Cutting Class