The Other “F” WORD: YA Feminist 4-wk Workshops (ages 11-14)
The Other “F” WORD: YA Feminist Workshop for ages 11-14
Young Adult (YA) women are bombarded with messages of who they should be, what they should do, and how they should look. Even pro-feminist messages are commercialized, confusing, and shaming.
This interactive 4-week workshop will help t(w)eens learn what feminism is (and isn’t) all about as it pertains to young women right now.
Meet new friends, learn more about yourself, and identify ways to smash the patriarchy to smithereens.
Week 1: Who, What and Why Feminism?
Week 2: Ins and Outs of Intersectionality
Week 3: Mediating Media Messages
Week 4: Looking Forward: College, Friends, Love,
Work, Motherhood, and more
Some short reading will be assigned but is not mandatory for full enjoyment of the course. A sliding scale is offered upon request.
Finally, if you love the content but can’t make the dates work, just let me know. If your daughter has enough friends who want to join, or if there is enough demand for another set of dates, I’m happy to open another section.
Questions? Send me a message at or go to