Talking about Tully

Do Our Children Belong at Our Work?
“As parents we're meant to help each other out and build each other up.”
-Galit Breen, Kindness Wins

Who’s the Fiercest of Them All? Sleeping Beauty When She Can Rest Post Baby

The Perfect Nanny: Powerful Allies or Angry Rivals?

The Perfect Nanny: Cutting Class
“There’s a feeling sometimes in motherhood that you’re alone in what you’re going through, and none of us are alone. We’re all going through the same thing.”
-Nia Vardalos

The Perfect Nanny: Parable of Impossibility of Perfection
“What else is a child, but hope? Hope for the future, hope for one's own salvation, hope for a tomorrow that shines as bright and warm as the best yesterday you can remember. ”
-Emily Littlejohn, Inherit the Bones

Maternity Leave vs. Backpacking Europe?